Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess

Vanity on a Budget

For those of you who watch my snapchat (@rach_music) yesterday I promised I would share with you guys what was in the giant package I got yesterday! So here it is, I have been dying to have my own vanity but haven’t found one that I can afford on our tight med school budget. I finally found one last week so today I am going to share with you my vanity on a budget!

Vanity on a budget by Rachael BurgessVanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess

🌷25 week bump🌷

Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael BurgessVanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess

She is NOT telling me secrets… she is trying to bite my face. Thanks Zoey. 😂💕

Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess

Trying to learn a song on the guitar for you guys! No promises… because it really hurts my hands. I am trying tho.

Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael BurgessVanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael BurgessVanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess Vanity on a budget by Rachael BurgessVanity on a budget by Rachael Burgess

Vanity: Amazon | Makeup Organizer: Amazon | Dress: Tommy Hilfiger (similar here & here) | Flower Crown: Nasty Gal | Necklace: Nordstrom

I have two exciting things to share today, first is my vanity on a budget and second I am 25 weeks pregnant today! It is the day that marks the end of my second trimester!!!🙌🏼 I am now in the third and final trimester… It feels so crazy. I totally forgot this milestone was coming up, I only realized yesterday, so I feel like so much time has just flown by. I am celebrating being in the home stretch of this pregnancy today by trying to learn a song on the guitar… so far I have never had too much success in this department, but it is worth another try!

Like I said I have been dying to get one of these for awhile, but I have had a hard time finding a vanity on a budget… The other day I was searching on Amazon and found this one for only $149.99 and it even comes with a stool and mirror. I bought it ASAP! It is small and doesn’t take up a lot of space, but it has SO much storage space for your makeup which I love. It feels really strong and sturdy, it is great quality despite the price tag. There are five drawers plus I bought a small makeup organizer to sit on top and I feel like I organized it all perfectly, so I will share my method.

Organize Your Vanity on a Budget

Drawer 1: lashes and eyebrow makeup

Drawer 2: eyeshadows

Drawer 3: contour, blushes and foundation

Drawer 4: tweezers, lip balm, nail clippers, etc.

Drawer 5: hair supplies

Makeup Organizer: Lipstick, brushes, rings and bracelets

This may not seem as exciting to you all, but if you are a girl with a TON of makeup all over the bathroom and no real organization method to the madness you will understand why this feels like such a revolution. Zoey loves it too and kept sitting on the stool and asking me to take pictures of her💕. Kris is just happy there is now a good place to put my thousands of hair elastics and tubes of lipstick🙈.

It feels so good to finally have the master bedroom complete in our new apartment, now I am onto the media room! I am actually going to work on that today, so I better get going so I can do some shopping and planning. Hope you all have a wonderful day😘😘!

6 Responses

  1. The pictures look so lovely. No wonder you’re ecstatic about your vanity. I love the feeling of being organized and knowing where things are. Can’t believe that in 3 months you’ll be the momma of TWO.

  2. I’m not a huge-amount-of-make-up girl, but I still can’t wait till I can have a special little spot in the bedroom to get ready. This looks perfect!

    1. It is! I love it, especially when I don’t feel like standing in front of a mirror early in the morning… LOL makes me sound lazy but I do much prefer to sit down and do my makeup!

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