These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess

These Are My People

Person 1: Kris

There was this unforgettable day when I was about 14 years old. Kris and I were on the same team for a dessert making challenge at a youth activity. We ended up in an epic battle over how to make the dessert. I will never forget chasing him around the kitchen and outside on to the porch in the dark. I had a  bowl of melted marshmallows in hand and was determined to pour it on the dessert he had in his. I think this was the first moment I realized I LOVED spending time with Kris. We always laughed together.

I didn’t know then how much I would end up loving him. But I love that moment because it was the beginning. It was the perfect foreshadowing of things to come. To this day we laugh together in the same way. Kris still teases me the same way and I still love every moment of his attention.

Things about Kris that are endlessly attractive to me (0ther than his sexy bod because that is just obvious): His sense of humor. His positive attitude. His strong work ethic. His brain. His fearlessness. His ability to bring out the best in me. His easy going nature. The fact that he never gets noticeably stressed, emotional, unhappy, depressed, etc. He is always chill. He is my rock in that way. Oh and did I mention his sense of humor? I love it.

Oh, before I forget to, I should point out that I won the marshmallow battle.

These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess

Person 2: Zoey

We are besties. Ask her any day and she will tell you, “Me and mommy are the BEST FRIENDS EVER!!” It seriously melts my heart. It is so true though. When we spend one on one time together she turns into a little chatter box and I LOVE it. Last time we went out on a mommy/daughter date Christmas shopping, she literally talked non-stop from the moment we got in the car at 7pm, to the moment we got home a little after 9pm. People kept smiling at her when she would sing ‘Let It Go’ or dance down the isles in the stores we went to. Whenever she noticed people smiling she would loudly respond, “Hey mommy! Those people are smiling at me because I am REALLY cute!”

I love her peppy chatter because I can tell she is really, really happy. I do the same thing when I am in a really good mood. Ask Kris, I can keep a one sided conversation with him going for a LOOOONG time. I love seeing that part of myself in Zoey.

She loves going out clothes shopping with me. She notices any time I get a new outfit and tells me how nice it looks – not normal three year old behavior in my opinion. She loves to dance and put on shows for us. She loves to make us laugh. She loves baking with me and ‘making recipes’. I just adore her. She is my world.

These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess

Person 3: Zander

He is the one I fought so hard for. Almost two years trying, months on end in bed feeling like I was dying and a more difficult labor than I could have ever imagined, is what it took to get my little boy. I can’t look at him too long with out being overwhelmed almost to tears with love. It was a battle to get him here, and it was so worth it.

I don’t know him all that well yet, but he already reminds me so much of his dad. He is such a peaceful presence in our home. He is a calming influence that adds a lot of balance to the spunk and sass Zoey brings. I can count on one hand the amount of times he has cried since he was born nine weeks ago. Also, he is an exceptionally beautiful baby in my opinion. Of course I would adore my baby no matter how they looked… But seriously, his hair alone?!!? Oh my gosh. I can’t get over it. His little features are all so perfect and beautiful. I would say I am biased, but people stop me all the time to tell me how handsome he is, every time I go out. The same thing happens with Zoey, since she was born, to this day. I am convinced I have the two cutest babies on the planet.

My favorite aspect of my relationship with Zander right now is that he lets me hold and cuddle him so much. He loves to be held. Every morning I bring him into bed with us and he sleeps on my stomach for a good three hours or so. It is just a special time that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Especially now that I realize how fast it goes before they aren’t so tiny anymore…

These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess

Anyways… These are my people. I couldn’t love them more.

These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess

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Sweater: Evy’s Tree | Jeans: H&M |Boots: Sam Edelman (50% OFF!!)

These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael BurgessThese Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael BurgessThese Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael BurgessThese Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael BurgessThese Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess These Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael BurgessThese Are My People - A Tribute To Family by Rachael Burgess

2 Responses

  1. I love your people, too, Rach, and I love that you love them so much. After nearly 50 years, I still love your Gramps and all the treasures that came into our marriage. Life has been glorious and continues to be a grand adventure.

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