Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess

My Disturbing Morning

It is 7am and I am sitting at my computer trying to think of something to write for these pictures of Zoey playing in the forest. My inspirational vanilla candle is burning and I have the lights dim, my favorite way to write, but nothing is coming to me. All I can think of is what happened right before I sat down to write. I probably shouldn’t share it with you because it is disgusting. But oh well.

This morning right after Kris left for the hospital I woke up and came downstairs to discover an army of those giant flying bugs with the looooong legs all over our kitchen floor. They were all half dead, but still crawling around. I immediately grabbed the vacuum and sent them all to their vacuum death, and then texted Kris, ‘WTH’.

Apparently he left a window open last night by accident, but he said he had already vacuumed them all up before he left… That made me suspicious. I looked in the vacuum tank. Sure enough they were all still crawling around in there 🤢. I was going to leave the vacuum for Kris to clean out (because I am just so nice like that 💁🏼), but I didn’t want to risk them crawling out again. So I cleaned out the vacuum and took out the trash like a real (wo)man. Outside at the trash bin I was greeted by a GINORMOUS cockroach. They have those in Pennsylvania?!!? How am I just learning this now, after three years of living here??

Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess

Currently I am sitting at my computer trying to write, but I keep scratching my head and brushing off my arms instead. I feel like I have bugs crawling all over me. So there you go. Now you can feel as gross and uncomfortable as I do this morning. Lucky you.

Unfortunately (for you guys) I did not pause to photograph this whole experience. So instead of sharing pictures of my morning I will share the pictures from a few weeks ago of Zoey playing in the forest. These were back when it was still sunny outside and soooo hot. The weather has changed really fast and now we have to wear sweaters when we go out…

Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess

I absolutely LOOOVE playing in the forest, and so does Zoey. Zander seems happy enough, sitting in his stroller, watching us play. But I really can’t wait till he is walking more and can get in on the fun. I am hoping this winter is a little bit easier than last, since he will be walking. I remember last winter I felt like I could never get out in the snow without Kris. What do you do with a newborn in the snow, when your toddler slips and needs your help? Maybe I should have gotten a sled wagon to pull around, but I didn’t think of that till literally right this second, as I was typing. Wait, do they have sled wagons?? I definitely need one if they do.

Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess

Well I hope you guys like reading about bugs and looking at people throwing rocks and playing in the forest. Because that is what this post is made of. Hope your mornings all start a little differently than mine…

What was the first thing you did this morning?

Keep scrolling for more pictures or…


Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess Playing in the Forest | Rachael Burgess

2 Responses

  1. Perspective is a funny thing. Two months ago, living in the tropics, I often would wake up to cockroaches, flies galore, lots of unidentified crawling and flying critters and if we were really having an exciting morning there might be a venomous centipede to freak us all out! Fast forward to today and a new country. Dan opened up the ceiling to do some renos two weeks ago and about a dozen black flies came out of the attic and into the house and it totally freaked me out worse than my little army of tropical critters! Haha…I think our minds are funny😂 Love the forest pictures

  2. Someone in one of the mom groups I’m in had a wagon that basically had snow tires on it. I was majorly envious of how easily she could drag her kids around on the snow and pavement. I also know that Canadian Tire sells a wagon that you can swap the wheels out for skis. So yes sled wagons exist. 😉

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