Peloton Bike Review: The Ultimate Peloton Guide

What Is Peloton? Favorite Features + Biggest Complaints

The Peloton Bike is a stationary bike, equipped with a 22in touch screen tablet. It’s wi-fi enabled, and allows you to participate in classes, and compete with other users. If you’ve already read a Peloton bike review, you probably know that it offers a motivating environment, and an unbeatable in home cardio workout. It’s your very own private workout studio, fitness trainer and high-end spinning workout experience. But the Peloton Bike is SO MUCH MORE than that.​​​​​​​ Keep reading my Peloton review to learn all the lesser known favorite features, and all the pros and cons of this bike.

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Peloton Bike Favorite Features

The best features of the Peloton Bike are the in depth user stats, community, extensive class options, and long term cost effectiveness (when compared to a traditional cycling studio).

Peloton bike also allows you to view statistics on past spinning workouts, including miles biked, calories burned, and more. It connects with ANT enabled heart monitors to track your heart rate. People also love the OnePeloton community, that has an almost cult like dedication. I’ll go into depth on all of these features a little further down in my Peloton bike review.

Biggest Complaint About Peloton Bike

The main negative point most Peloton Bike reviews complain about is the cost. The base cost of the Peloton Bike is $2245. Is Peloton worth it? Over two grand is a hefty wad of cash to hand over, but $2245 may not be as bad as it sounds when you start comparing it to the cost of a regular cycling studio. The wirecutter broke it down into this handy chart below. The cost also is easier to grasp with their risk free trial period and interest free payment plan options (more details on that later).

Is Peloton Worth It? Really???

As you can see, overtime you pay much more for a regular cycling studio. So is Peloton worth it? If you are an avid biker, already enjoy a good spinning workout, and want to save some money on studio time, it’s definitely worth considering. You could even see it as an investment over time. If you’re not a cyclist, and you already have a good workout routine, you could still call it an investment in your health and happiness, but probably not a financial investment.

The price tag was definitely the biggest hurdle for me before purchasing the Peloton. While I don’t regret joining onepeloton at all, I can see why Peloton reviews focus on this so much. It’s a lot of money! Only you can answer ‘is Peloton worth it’ for yourself! I am going to share some of the reasons this was the best, and most life changing purchase I’ve ever made. I will also share all the negatives, so you can make the best decision for you.

Why Choose Peloton Over Other Workout Equipment?

Before Peloton, I was the least active person I knew. Exercising was my least favorite past time, I rarely did it. I really wondered, is Peloton worth it, before we made the leap. Then we got Peloton. It changed my life. I now exercise 5 times a week, and LOVE it. I can see real strides in my strength and fitness, and something about Peloton keeps me always coming back for more.

This post is not sponsored in any way, I have no affiliation with Peloton, other than being a customer. I just really feel this bike is worth talking about, and had to share my own Peloton bike review, because my experience with it has been so powerful.

But what if I’m really bad at exercising?

I started using the Peloton Bike a few months ago. I participate in about 5 workouts per week. Prior to purchasing the Peloton I almost never worked out, let alone did any spinning workouts. I’ve tried many different cardio exercises at home, and at the gym, and have never been able to stay consistent. My husband tried out Peloton at a hotel we stayed at, and was convinced this spinning workout would get us both on track, consistently working out. I wasn’t as convinced, but after reading 100’s of positive Peloton Bike reviews, we took the plunge and got our Peloton bike. Both of us have been 100% consistent since we bought the bike.

Prior to purchasing I probably worked out 1-2 per month, and my husband 2-3 per week. Now I do 5-6 workouts per week, and he does the same (but his are twice as long and hard as my workouts).

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Get Inspired!

I had to admit to my husband that Peloton was our best decision ever. I love the Peloton because it is the first exercise method that I’ve been able to stick to AND enjoy. So is Peloton worth it? For me, that’s an easy yes. The main reason is that it keeps you coming back, with how inspirational and motivational the instructors are. You get a pep talk, a workout, and a confidence boost, all in one.

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Join A Community

The onepeloton community is a very hard working and positive group too. Being a part of that is motivation to work harder. I love when I hop on the bike to ride and see there are 100 other people riding with me. It is fun trying to race to the top of the leaderboard throughout the class, and high-fiving each other along the way. I really enjoy when I sit down to do my evening meditation with Peloton (an off bike class they offer) and see 300 other people settling in for their bedtime sleep meditation. It is a sense of community, without the inconvenience of leaving your home.

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My Experience

Since starting the Peloton Bike I’ve even been inspired to try their other off the bike classes. Peloton doesn’t just offer incredible spinning workouts, it also has a huge variety of classes like yoga, strength training, walking, meditation and more. These classes come with your Peloton Membership, and really make the experience a fully rounded fitness regimen, rather than just a cycling class. When friends and family ask me, ‘is Peloton worth it?’ I always give a wholehearted and emphatic, YES.

During the past few months of using the Peloton, I’ve explored every feature, and fully immersed myself in the experience, so I could give you the most comprehensive Peloton review! I covered everything I could think of in my Peloton bike review, but if I missed anything, let me know in the comments. I will answer any questions I can.

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Peloton Bike Specs – Dimensions, Design, The App, And More

I think the best way to answer the question, “Is Peloton worth it?” is to dive into all the specs. So let’s talk about the Peloton bike dimensions, stats, community features, Peloton app, and every other exciting feature of this next-level spinning workout.

Peloton Bike Dimensions

The Peloton Bike is 4ft by 2ft. When compared to other stationary in home bikes, it offers a smaller and sleeker design. It can be put in a bedroom, your den, or an office, and turn any space into a multifunctional space.

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The sleek design does not take away from this powerful bikes strength. In test rides conducted by the Wirecutter, the Peloton did not shake, even during the most intense spinning workouts. Its competitor however, did shake as riders increased their speed and intensity.

I had no idea wobbling was such a big problem with stationary bikes and spinning workouts till I started doing some research on competitors to Peloton. My Peloton bike feels anchored to the foundation of our house. The tablet remains steady at all times as I ride, whereas the Fly Anywhere tablet began to shake, making it difficult to focus on the screen, as riders increased speed (via Wirecutter Peloton bike review test rides).

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The Peloton is designed to be beautiful. USA Today said, “The Peloton is attractive, addictive, and seriously whips you into shape” (Upgrade Your Workouts With New Fitness Tech by Jennifer Jolly). They were right about all three. I’m very picky about my home design. I like things to be neat and pretty. But even my picky eye is not opposed to this beautiful machine taking up space in my studio.


The design isn’t just attractive, it is well thought out. You can adjust both the height and depth of the bike seat, creating the perfect fit for your body. After adjusting the seat, the levers have a smart button that allows them to be tucked away, and out of the way for your ride. The handle bars and screen are both adjustable as well.

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The Belt

The magnetic belt drive on the Peloton is near silent. You could literally be working out in your bedroom beside your sleeping partner and not wake them. The resistance knob gives you an authentic riding experience, allowing you to adjust the resistance of your ride down to the percentage point.

peloton reviews onepeloton compared to competitors, is peloton worth it
The Peloton Bike Seat

The seat took me some getting used to, I had never cycled before using Peloton. It took about a week of a sore butt to get used to it. I was scared the first week though, I couldn’t comfortably sit on a hard chair after a few spinning workouts. So if you experience this too, just give it a little bit of wearing in time.

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The Peloton App

Peloton expands far beyond the bike, and my Peloton bike review would not be complete without touching on the app. Your $39/month Peloton Membership for your bike, also gives you access to the Peloton app (regularly $12.99/month). I didn’t start using this till a month after I started riding. I was really happily surprised by everything available in the app. Most Peloton Bike reviews don’t even mention it, which is shocking to me, considering all it has to offer.

Within the app you will find basically the same setup as on your bike, with onepeloton community interaction, classes, challenges, stats, etc. The difference is there are a lot more classes available, in a lot of different fitness categories, and a lot more features for running specifically. You can airplay your app to your Apple TV. I’m hoping they develop an Apple TV app soon, but that isn’t available yet.

If you keep asking yourself, is Peloton worth it, you might consider subscribing to the app first. At $12.99 a month, it will give you some good insight into everything Peloton has to offer.

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Classes In The Peloton App

The Peloton app has 10 different categories for classes, both on demand and live:

  1. Running
  2. Cycling Spinning Workouts
  3. Outdoor running
  4. Strength Training
  5. Yoga
  6. Meditation
  7. Stretching
  8. Bootcamp
  9. Walking
  10. Cardio

Each of these categories has a large variety of classes to choose from, all from talented and motivational Peloton instructors. Running probably has the most comprehensive system within the Peloton app.

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Running With The Peloton App

You can take regular running classes on your treadmill with the Peloton App, or you can tune into audio only classes, and take your Peloton on a guided outdoor run. This feature is really unique. The Peloton App syncs up with your location while you run, so it will track your run in real time. This gives you even more specific statistics on your workout.

Apple Watch

Your Peloton App connects right to your apple watch and health app. I already used both of these before starting Peloton workouts, so this was a convenient integration for me. It syncs up with your spinning workouts on the bike, and your workouts off the bike as well.

Onepeloton Community

Within the app you will find a similar setup to when you are on the bike when it comes to interacting with the Onepeloton community. You can see who is in the class now, and who has taken it in the past, send high fives, follow people, etc. When reading Peloton bike reviews before purchasing, I heard about the Onepeloton community, but didn’t get it. It really is something exciting to experience. I love how it is integrated into the app.

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The Peloton Tablet – Why Is It So Special??

Peloton Bike reviews rave about the tablet, and for good reason. This 22in touch screen tablet is what really makes the Peloton bike. It brings the feeling of a spinning boutique right into your home, at a fraction of the cost. That tablet is wifi enabled, and allows you to walk right into over 10,000 classes, at any moment.

The picture is fairly high quality. I have never had any problem with videos loading, or buffer times on my Peloton tablet. According to the Wirecutter, buffer times were quicker on the Peloton tablet, than on the Fly Anywhere tablet, using the same internet.

The tablet has so many features, from statistics, to connecting you to the Onepeloton community. Let’s dig into them in detail.

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In Class On Screen Statistics

While in a ride, the stats include your cadence, resistance, and total output in watts (a combination of these two numbers). The first number, your cadence, is how fast you are peddling. Over on the right is your resistance, which can be adjusted using the resistance knob. This increases, and decreases the difficulty of your ride. The combination of those two numbers equals your output in watts. At the top of the screen you can see how much time has elapsed, and how much time is left in the class. On the right you can see who is in the class, and who has taken the class in the past. You can hide any and all of this information if you want a clear screen.

In most classes you’ll see a recommended range above the cadence and resistance, so you can stay on pace with the class. These numbers change throughout the class as you move throughout the workout, and move to the music. Every single workout is completely unique, which is one of the reasons this tablet makes the experience addictive.

peloton reviews onepeloton compared to competitors, is peloton worth it  peloton on screen statistcis

Peloton Instructors

The Peloton instructors are almost celebrity status within the Onepeloton community. They are all very encouraging and motivating. Each has their own unique personality and vibe, so if you don’t jive with the first one you try, there are so many more to experience. The camera is always right on the instructor, as you watch on your tablet, and they talk right to the camera. It almost feels like you are right there in the class with a personal trainer. In live classes you can choose to allow the instructor to see your stats as well, so they can call out and encourage you by (user)name. They usually do this for people who have reached big milestones, first ride, 100th ride, birthdays, etc.

the top peloton instructors listed peloton reviews

Onepeloton Community

The Onepeloton community is almost cult-like. You will discover a very hard-working, competitive, supportive, and motivating group of people here. Onepeloton is a group you will instantly be excited to be affiliated with. In any class you can see who else is riding with you, and how you compare on the leaderboards against those who are ‘here now’ in the class, and compared to all riders who have ever taken the class. You can virtually high five other riders, which I thought was kind of dumb and gimmicky at first, but then other riders started sending me high fives. I realized how encouraging it felt! I actually really like this feature. It’s like a little, “hey there friend, I’m riding with you!” You can follow other users too, and see when your friends are riding.

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Outside Of Class

Outside of the class you can explore your history, how many miles you’ve rode, calories burned, total output in watts, etc. You can also explore classes, and the live class schedule. This is also where you join challenges, which is pretty fun! I join the monthly challenges to compete with other onepeloton riders. It feels great to compete and accomplish challenges.​​​​​​​ Lastly, you can edit your profile picture, details such as location, and what information is public/private. The privacy setting are limited in what you can turn on and off.​​​​

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How Much Does Peloton Actually Cost All In

I talked about the cost of the bike briefly in the intro of my Peloton review, let’s dive into it in detail now. We will see if we can answer the question: is Peloton worth it? This is where every Peloton bike review gets a little scary. Hang in there. I will give you the facts, so you can determine that for yourself, including how to minimize your risk, and money spent.

Here are the basic startup costs for the Peloton:

The Bike – $2245

Membership (one year) – $39/month, $468 for the year

Shoes – $70-149 (The Peloton shoes are $149, but you can buy other shoes that are compatible with the Peloton bike for cheaper. That’s what I did.)

Total startup cost: $2783, plus tax where applicable.

You might even end up spending a little more if you want to get convenient extras, like a Peloton mat to put your bike on, or their heart rate monitor. That is quite a hefty number to dish out when you aren’t sure if the bike will work for you. If you are on the fence, Peloton has three things that might help.

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Three Options Before Spending $2200+ on Peloton

There are three options that can make the cost a little less overwhelming.


Get the bike with zero down, and zero interest, for $58 a month. Pay it back over 39 months. This does not include the monthly membership fee of $39. Over the 39 month period you will pay a total of $2262, just $17 more than the current list price. Not a bad set up if you know you want to start enjoying Peloton spinning workouts, but don’t want to fork out two grand for exercise equipment from the get go.

In Home Trial (Risk Free)

The second option is a risk free in home trial! This is a new offering and I think it is really exciting. It is available with financing, or full payment up front. After your purchase they send their professional team to set up the bike for you, and if you aren’t happy with it within 30 days from the order date, they will send their team back to pack it up and return it. No questions asked. Full refund. They even pay all the shipping fees. The in home trial is available with the financing option as well, so technically you could experience Peloton for $97 (one month of membership required), and have that refunded within 30 days if you aren’t happy.

Test Ride At The NYC Boutique

This option is available for New York City locals and those nearby. You can head right down to the Peloton boutique and give their spinning workouts a try before you buy. Sign up for a class, and experience their celebrity status instructors up close and personal. Get your cardio in with the onepeloton community in real life! I haven’t done this yet – but it definitely is on my list for next time we are in the city. 

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But Why Do People Love Peloton So Much?

There are a few key things that people love about Peloton. I’ve talked about all of them above, but I will expand on each a little bit more.


I think the core thing that sets Peloton apart is the onepeloton instructors. The roster is made up of elite NYC instructors, that are near celebrity status within the Peloton community. I will share a list of the best Peloton instructors (in my opinion) just a little further down.

Onepeloton Community

People also love the community aspect of riding with other people in the Onepeloton cult. At any time you decide to hop on the bike, you can guarantee someone will be riding with you. You can watch their progress, and they can see yours. I am not into reddit, but if that is your thing, there are strong subreddits (?) dedicated to Peloton as well.

New Content

Peloton is constantly releasing new content. If there is only one thing you take away from my Peloton bike review, I hope it is this! There are over 10,000 classes currently available, so if you don’t like the first ride you try, there are 9999+ waiting for you to try next. Their live classes are usually available to rewatch soon after airing. You will never run out of classes to try.

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The statistics are one of my favorite parts of the ride! The numbers on the screen allow you to very accurately track how far you’ve ridden, how many calories you’ve burned, how fast you are going, etc. You can also look back over your history of workouts and see the progression you have made. When you hit a milestone in a ride it is marked with a little medal in the history. All this information syncs to your Peloton profile, and Apple watch, so you can look back and see your progress.

The Design

The bike is beautifully designed! Every element of the bike is crafted to near perfection. Of course, it doesn’t act as actual home decor, the way a new sofa would, but it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb either. It is modern, sleek, unassuming, and small.

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The Peloton Experience

The ultimate goal of onepeloton is to bring that boutique vibe into the convenience of your own home. I think they do a great job of that. They have leaderboard, just like in a Soul Cycle live classes. Every class has a playlist, and some even have live DJ’s. The one thing that is hard to capture is that volume. You aren’t going to be totally surrounded by the music, and feel that rhythm booming through the room, in the same way you would in a studio. And of course, you can’t really create that live in person interaction, that you get in a class setting. Although, the live classes, and being able to compete with people riding, does come close.

If you are getting into onepeloton simply because you love cycling, or just because you want to be more active, you will most likely love it. I want to say for sure, because I had every expectation of hating it, and I fell in love. If a skeptic like me could be converted, I feel like almost anyone can love it. It just is such a great cardio exercise at home, and so inspiring and motivating at the same time! It is my daily boost.

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What If I’m Not A Cyclist?

If you are not a cyclist is Peloton worth it for you? What if you have absolutely no interest in biking??

Those two things described me perfectly before I started riding the Peloton. I told my husband to get it for him, but not to expect me to ride it. I promised him a few test rides though, and those test rides changed my life.


It makes me emotional thinking about the way Peloton has changed me. Because you have to understand: I HATE EXERCISING. Like with a passion. I always loved hiking, walking, swimming (as in playing in the water, not swimming laps), but if an activity is strictly for exercise, I hate it – errrrr – used to hate it.

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Get Excited About Exercising

Now I look forward to my daily spinning workouts. Nine times out of ten I tell myself I am going to just sit on the bike, and take a leisurely, easy, scenic ride. Rarely do I plan to work hard. Yet nine times out of ten I sit on the bike and am motivated to push myself harder than I ever have before. The Peloton instructors always light a fire that makes me want to work harder than I did five minutes ago. I’ve seen actual progression in my endurance and strength, thanks to their Power Zone Training program (a great place to start for beginners). I’ve found a beauty in pushing myself to my personal limit. Feeling what I am capable of, realizing my body has so much more potential and strength than I give it credit for, is a powerful thing. Onepeloton is a powerful thing.

Compared To Other Cardio

So how does Peloton compare to other cardio exercises at home? I would say it is totally different, and a whole lot better. There is something about the way their instructors teach that keeps pulling you back in, and pushing you to work harder.

Gah, I am making myself want to stop writing and go hop on the bike for a spinning workout now!

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Other Workouts Available

There is also a whole lot more than just cycling that the Peloton gives you access to. I mentioned them above under the classes available in the Peloton app section, but in case you are skimming, here they are again:

  1. Running
  2. Cycling Spinning Workouts
  3. Outdoor running
  4. Strength Training
  5. Yoga
  6. Meditation
  7. Stretching
  8. Bootcamp
  9. Walking
  10. Cardio

I use the meditation, stretching, and spinning workouts, almost daily. I haven’t gotten around to trying their yoga yet, but that is one I am really excited to try. I’m also waiting for it to warm up here so I can take my onepeloton app on an outdoor run. I am too scared to run in all the snow we have here now.​​​​​​​

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Three Problems With Peloton

There are three main problems I have with this bike. I wanted to share them in my Peloton bike review to help you answer ‘is peloton worth it’.


The price is the main hold back for people considering the Peloton. This was the biggest hurdle for us. We did the payment plan, and then ended up paying it off right away, when we realized we were definitely keeping it. It was worth it for us, but definitely a leap of faith.

No Phone Rest

The next fault is that there is no place to put your phone! I really wish they had somewhere to rest your phone, and AirPods case, while you workout. It irritates me every time I clip in and then remember I have nowhere to put my stuff.

No Pause Button

Last of all, there is no pause button!! I understand why they don’t have a pause button, but I wish you could stop it for at least 45 seconds or something per ride. I’m usually working out with my kids around me, and inevitably I have to jump off the bike to bring someone potty, or break up a quarrel, at least once per ride. The class goes on without me, which is frustrating, since I always jump right back in.

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My Favorite Peloton Classes

Full disclosure: the below list are three out of the four types of classes I have taken. I will update my Peloton bike review as I experience more class types. I have been trying to experience everything. Every time I get on the bike I think I’ll try something new, and then somehow I just end up taking one of these three class types again.

Power Zones

Power Zone training is the BEST best best class type I have taken. I love it. In Power Zone training there are seven zones, from super easy, to your absolute limit. Each zone has a purpose, and they explain each of these purposes through the program. I mostly work on endurance in zones 2-3.

The thing I love most about it, is that when you take a Power Zone test on the bike, it adds additional numbers to your screen. It furthers the capacity of your bike to aid in your progression, by showing your Power Zone ranges, completely personalized to YOU. Whenever you ride you will see what zone you are riding in at the moment.

Your Own Personal Trainer 24/7

The amazing thing about Power Zone training is that it is totally personal to you. Kris’s Power Zones are different than mine, because we are both at different fitness levels. Power Zone training is like having a personal trainer available to you 24/7. It progresses with you, because every month you retake the test to get your new Power Zones. It is kind of fun to see yourself clearly gaining strength too! My endurance Power Zone (zone 3) is different than it was last month, because I can now endure for longer, at a higher output.

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I have a love/hate relationship with HIIT classes. They are so hard!! But you get breaks throughout in intervals. I hate them while I’m in them, but I love the feeling afterwards. The instructors always manage to get me through. Afterwards I feel powerful. I feel like I’ve accomplished something impressive. When I finish a HIIT class I can answer ‘is Peloton worth it’ easily, because I always get the best workout. I have hit my highest achievements in HIIT classes.

Low Impact

Low Impact classes are just a step above beginner classes. They are what I do when I don’t feel like riding. It is more of a relaxing experience, with a slow build, till you are actually sweating. I call it ‘working out by accident’, because I never plan to really get into it, but I warm up to working harder throughout the ride. I also use Low Impact spinning workouts as a time to high five other onepeloton riders who are riding with me, and follow them.

Choosing The Right Class For You

Choosing the right Peloton class for you is easier than you would think. You can search for your class based on quite a few different things, like class type, length, or intensity. You can also choose based on instructor, or even the style of music. I’d suggest trying a few different types till you find something that works for you.

My Favorite Peloton Instructors

I have talked about the instructors a lot in this article. Let me tell you a bit about my favorite ones, so you know where to start. 

Matt Wilpers

I think Matt Wilpers is a great instructor for beginners. He teaches a lot of Power Zone training courses, which is a great program for beginners to start with. He is very calm and encouraging, and really inspires motivation and confidence. If you are wondering ‘is Peloton worth it’, take a class with him in the app, before you buy!

matt wilpers peloton instructor is peloton worth it

Christine D’Ercole

Christine is a professional cyclist of 20 years, and her experience really comes through in her onepeloton classes. I feel like I learn something new about cycling every class with her. She also is very motivating and inspiring in the stories she shares, and words of encouragement, throughout every class. She is all about empowering you to reach your full potential. I love her catch phrase, “I am, I can, I will, I do.”

Christine D'ercole picture peloton coach professional female cyclist

Denis Morton

Denis is probably the exact opposite of Matt Wilpers. He yells at you to keep going, and pushes you to your absolute limit. Just when you feel like you are going to die, he will say something that makes you want to keep pushing. I often hate riding with him, and LOVE the feeling afterwards.

Denis Morton Peloton instructor, is peloton worth it??

Olivia Amato

I really enjoy riding with Olivia. She pushes you to your limits, and stays with you every step of the way. She talks a lot about changing your mindset, and getting out of your own way. I always feel inspired, and more able to push myself, in class with her.

olivia amato peloton instructor trainer peloton reviews

What About The Peloton Boutique?

If you are still wondering ‘is Peloton worth it’, then you probably aren’t quite ready to dive into all the gear yet… But just in case! Most Peloton bike reviews don’t talk about the boutique, where you can buy all their fitness wear and accessories. I am going to make sure you are in the know though. Don’t worry!

I recently made my SECOND purchase from the onepeloton boutique, and wanted to share my experience. I’m nervous to write this portion, because as I go back and visit the Peloton Boutique to write this, I’m probably going to end up dropping a couple hundred more dollars on their apparel…. Oops.

Peloton Apparel

In the Peloton boutique you will find a variety of fitness wear, most of it is made in partnership with other well known fitness apparel brands. I got a Lululemon sports bra with Peloton branding from the Peloton boutique. Other brands they partner with are Athleta, Rhone, Hill City and Nux. I like that you can find your favorite fitness brand, with onepeloton branding, to bring you right into the onepeloton tribe. The brands they partner with are very high quality.

They also have their own fitness apparel line, but I can’t speak to the quality of that, because I have not tried it myself (yet). All I can say is the Lululemon bra I got from the Onepeloton boutique is the most comfortable bra I’ve ever worn in my life. And I can say the same thing about the leggings I got, which were a Peloton partnership with WITH.

Peloton Shoes

I have not tried the Peloton shoes – but my off brand ones are really comfy, and my husband says his Peloton shoes are great as well. If I were to go back in time, I would have purchased the bike with the family package of accessories. It saves a lot of money when compared to buying every component of the package individually, and it includes two pairs of onepeloton shoes, rather than one. My shoes were a second hand, compatible pair, that we found on ebay. They took awhile to arrive, and were tricky to find. But they work!


Is Peloton worth it? For me, the Peloton bike was a fantastic choice. I am totally converted to onepeloton. I’m working out consistently for the first time in my life. I can see actual progress in my fitness level.

Peloton fits the needs of anyone, from an absolute beginner like me, to a seasoned pro. I’m very happy with our decision, and when we bought it initially, I did not think I would like it.

What Are Your Needs?

If you are considering ‘is Peloton worth it’, it depends on your particular needs. Are you going to keep paying your studio or gym membership? If so, is it worth the extra cost? Are you looking to replace your gym membership? If that is the case, one of the payment plan options (interest free), might be perfect for you, and not stretch your budget at all. If you’re simply looking for a great in home cardio work out option, it is definitely something to consider.

Compared to Competitors

Is Peloton worth it? Compared to its competitors, it is top of the line. Peloton goes above and beyond expectations when it comes to at home stationary bikes. It is made to be a high end, above par experience, and it really deliver on that. If you’re going to buy a stationary bike anyway, and just don’t know which one, I think the Peloton is your best bet. I’d definitely recommend finding a hotel or studio near you, where you can do a trial spinning workout, if you are on the fence! We first tried it in a Marriott hotel where we were staying in Orlando.

peloton reviews onepeloton compared to competitors, is peloton worth it


Don’t have time to read my entire Peloton bike review, but still need to decide, ‘is Peloton worth it?’ Here is my Peloton review summed up.

The Peloton is better built and has more features than comparable bikes like the Nordic Track s22i or the Echelon connect. It is an unbeatable spinning workout that leaves you motivated and wanting more.

It has 1000’s of class options for all levels. I started riding the Peloton as someone who (almost) never exercised, and I was instantly hooked. My favorite class series is Power Zone training, and Matt Wilpers is a great instructor to start with. I look forward to my bike ride every day. I rarely have to ‘force myself to exercise’. Being a part of the Onepeloton community is inspiring and motivating.

The Peloton Bike is expensive, but not when compared to the cost of a cycling boutique. If you aren’t sure, it might be worth subscribing to the Peloton app first. This is only $12.99 a month. The app will introduce you to the culture of Onepeloton,  and style of the instructors, and classes. They also have interest free payment plans, that can bring your cost to $97/month (that includes your Peloton membership).

So is Peloton worth it? For me, 100% yes. It really depends on what you are looking for!

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