30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten

30 Reasons to Raise Kids in NYC

Many of you have asked what we thought about living in New York after our month in Yonkers. I did share a list of the pro’s and con’s of living in Yonkers, awhile back. But people keep asking me what we think of living in NYC – so I thought I would share some of the reasons we have considered moving to NYC with our little family. Here are 30 reasons to raise a family in NYC. Feel free to add more to the list in the comments!

30 Reasons to Raise Kids in NYC

1. Amazing entertainment!

Broadway is becoming more kid friendly with shows like the Lion King and many more.

2. Schools!

NYC is known for some of the best schools from pre-K to graduation.

3. Scenic parks.

Beautiful parks like Central Park become your backyard.

4. Everything is close and convenient.

We have stayed in lots of places in New York and no matter where you are there is shopping, restaurants and entertainment within walking distance.

5. Community.

Just based on the sheer amount of people in New York City, it is easy to find families with similar interests as yours.  This allows you to build your own community and support system.

6. Culture.

There is a reason NYC is called the melting pot of America, if you raise your kids in NYC they will be exposed to more languages and ethnicities than other places.

7. No need for a mini-van!

They have the best public transportation so you and your kids can get wherever you need to fast.

8. Medical Care

NYC has some of the best doctors and medical care facilities around, making it an ideal place to raise children.

9. Less is More

Well some would say the small apartment sizes are a bad thing, I think it is great to raise your kids knowing that more isn’t necessarily better. We can be just as happy in a one room apartment as in a townhouse in the suburbs.

10. Museums

NYC has some of the best museums the United States has to offer, which is great for educating and entertaining children.

11. Sites to See

There are some amazing sites to see in NYC, from the Rock-a-feller center to Times Square, you will never have a shortage of fun excursions.

30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten

12. Enjoy a Staycation Anytime

You don’t need to go far to have a vacation in NYC. You can go to the Statue of Liberty, or enjoy a visit to any one of the hundreds of unique and beautiful kid friendly hotels in NYC.

13. Lots of Free Entertainment

There is no shortage of no-cost entertainment in the summer in NYC. There are endless festivals, concerts and events catered to families with kids.

14. This City Runs 24/7

Just like us parents… Enjoy same day Amazon shipping, 24 hour personal delivery from FreshDirect of groceries and more and other convenient delivery services you won’t find anywhere else.

15. Excursions Galore.

You will never have a shortage of entertaining activities for the kids. From things like the Staten Ferry to splash pads and more.

16. Eating Out

There is no shortage of amazing kid friendly restaurants, and even restaurants catered specifically for kids! If you are running short of lunch ideas for toddlers you will find help here!

17. NYC Kids See Amazing Sites Daily

Your kids will see amazing sites like the World Trade Center Memorial from their stroller.

18. City Parents Offer Support

You can use great sites like Meet Up to find parents who will offer support and love to you and your kids. There is no shortage of people in this city, so you are bound to find friends.

19. You Just Can’t Beat NYC Pizza

Kids LOVE pizza, and NYC offers the best. This may not be the top reason to raise your kids in NYC, but it definitely makes the list.

20. NYC is an Ethnic Food Paradise

Speaking of food, your kids will have the opportunity to experience the best food from around the world. You will find Indian, Nepalese, Colombian, Dominican, Thai, Tibetan and Mexican food that is just about as authentic as it gets.

30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten

21. Rain or Shine there is Always a Place to Play

There is no shortage of indoor and outdoor places to play and explore in the big city.

22. NYC has Awesome Playgrounds!

NYC is home to some of the most unique and exciting playgrounds for kids! It is a kid playground heaven.

23. You’ll Exercise more on Accident

Every time we visit the city we end up walking a ton and get way more exercise than we planned to. There are just so many interesting things to do and see that you loose track and exercise on accident.

24. Extra-Curricular Classes are Unmatched

There are literally hundreds of extra curricular opportunities for your children! Whatever their interests may be, you will find a class that will cater just to them.

25. Travel is Convenient

With the international airport, subs, buses and taxi’s galore, you will find travel super convenient for you and your family.

26. Family will Love to Visit

Speaking of travel, your family will have a reason to come visit more. I have a hard time convincing my family to travel to Erie, PA in the middle of the winter. But everyone is always ready for a city vacation. I guess this could be a con if you don’t like your family 😉

27. The City Buzz Helps Kill Winter Blues

It is easy to feel cooped up and a little stir crazy with kids during a cold winter, but not in NYC where the city is always alive, no matter the weather.

28. The Best Childcare is Available

You will find top notch child care and the best professionals to care for your children while you work in NYC.

29. It Builds Character and Confidence

This big city may seem rough, but it helps build character and confidence in your children as they grow.

30. It’s New York City!

It is NYC! Who wouldn’t want to raise their kids here!!

Do you disagree with anything on my list or have anything to add?? Let me know in the comments!

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Zoey’s Coat: Peekaboo Beans | Zoey’s Moccasins: Freshly Picked | Zander’s Joggers: Peekaboo Beans Zander’s | Moccasins: Freshly Picked

30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten 30 Reasons to Raise Kids in New York City NYC Manhatten

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