5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

New Parents Survival Guide: 9 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BearyMerryVTechMom #CollectiveBias

Marriage becomes a whole different ball game after you have a baby. Before baby it was all about you and your spouse. Your interests, your time table, your needs in a relationship, your love for each other. Once a baby enters the picture they immediately take center stage. Their needs can’t be ignored, basically because they depend on you to stay alive every day. Your whole life begins to shift around their eating, sleeping and pooping schedule and often the effort you put into your relationship with your significant other diminishes. But I mean, look how innocent that little face is, I would give anything for him. But I still want my marriage to be the top priority.

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

Although it gets harder, I don’t believe for a second that you can’t have an AMAZING marriage after kids. Kris and I are much closer and have a stronger relationship since bringing our babies into the world. But it has taken more effort, thought and planning. Here are nine ways to keep your marriage strong after baby that have really helped Kris and I grow closer.

At the end of this post I am sharing a little gift idea for new parents that will be a fun relationship booster, while taking into account the needs of their new little one. So if you are looking for a gift for a new mom or dad, scroll, scroll, scroll! But first:

Nine Ways To Make Your Marriage A Priority After Baby

9 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

1. Create A Daily Schedule

Make it simple. For example Kris and I always have dinner together from 6:30-7, then he goes back to studying. At 8:30 he helps me put the kids to bed and from 9-10pm we get time together. The rest the day is filled with our separate schedules, but we always know that we get a little time together in the evenings.

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

2. Take Shifts

For example when it comes to getting the kids up in the morning and fed breakfast I do weekdays and Kris does weekends (since that is when he isn’t working). It means a lot to me when I see him taking time with the kids so I can have much needed time to myself (or extra sleep!!), and vice versa.

3. Compliment Each Other

This can go a long way to making your spouse feel loved and appreciated. It can be easy to get caught up in your new role as a parent and forget that you are still the young, cute and attractive couple you were before. Flirt a little and let your spouse know why you fell in love with them.

4. Plan Date Nights In

Getting a babysitter can be such a hassle. Kris and I love date nights at home. They are cozy, save money and give you much needed time together. We love our VTech VM341-216 Bear 2 Camera Full Color Video Monitor because we can keep an eye on both kids while we have ourselves a romantic date night.

Side note – this camera set is also great if you are a work from home mom! When I put both my babies down for a nap at the same time I keep the monitor on my desk and split the screen. This way I can watch both of them sleep while I work. The video is full color and so clear you can see them breathing! It has awesome night vision as well.

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

5. Plan Family Dates

Family outings are a great way to build your marriage relationship after kids. There is something so endearing about seeing your significant other play and interact with the children you created together! Laughing and playing together as a family is a great way to forget the stress and focus on how blessed you are to be surrounded by a family you made!

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

6. Find The Humor

When all goes wrong, find the humor. Laughter is the best medicine. Share with your spouse those hard moments and how you found the humor in them. Laugh together.

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

7. Touch Base With Each Other

Ask your husband or wife how they are doing, emotionally, physically, etc. Help analyze if there is anything you can do to help ease each others burdens. Don’t always assume your spouse is doing ok without asking them.

8. Text!

If you aren’t together a lot send sweet messages to each other throughout the day through text. I am constantly sending Kris pictures of the kids while he is at the hospital and he is always sending me funny stories about the patients or doctors he is working with. It helps us stay connected and feel like we were a part of each others day.

9. Pick Your Battles

Every couple fights sometimes, it’s normal. But it doesn’t have to happen often. I always think, is my feelings on this issue worth sacrificing the tiny amount of time we have together. Usually the answer is no, so I follow Elsa’s advice and LET IT GO! It is actually quite a liberating and empowering feeling to realize that most controversial subjects can be left undiscussed. I wish I had learned this one sooner! Of course there are lots of uncomfortable conversations that must be had, and there are smart ways to go about those topics to avoid arguments, but that is a subject for another day!

9 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

Now for my gift for new parents. My sister had her second baby a little bit before Zander was born. Her kids are really close in age and her toddler is especially busy, so she has her hands full. After getting a VTech Bear Video Monitor for myself and LOVING it I decided to get one for her as well for Christmas. Rather than just giving her the baby monitor though, I decided to package it as a ‘Date Night In Kit For New Parents’. I included the essentials for a movie/game night, plus the monitor so they can keep a close eye on their sleeping children while enjoying some quality time together. The monitor goes split screen so you can watch both your kids at the same time. It also monitors sound, temperature and movement.

Do you know someone who recently welcomed their first child and may be struggling to get used to parenting and maintaining a strong marriage? Here is a fun Christmas gift idea for new parents that will allow them to spend some quality time together, worry free:

Date Night In Kit For New Parents

What You Will Need

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess


  1. Package the goodies in the mason jars and tie with ribbons. 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess
  2. Tie a ribbon around the sparkling cider. 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess
  3. Open the VTech Bear Video Monitor and put all the cords, hardware and instruction manuals in a plastic ziploc bag. 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess
  4. Package each of the cameras and the parent monitor separately in cellophane or tissue paper. 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess
  5. Put the plastic baggie in the bottom of the basket and cover it with Christmas tissue, or confetti like I did!
  6. Arrange everything else in the basket. 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess
  7. Add a big bow!

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

This is the perfect Christmas gift for a new parent. The VTech Bear Video Monitor allows new parents to have date night any night of the week and still keep a close eye on their kids. It comes with two cameras so you can watch from two different angles, or even put one camera in each room to watch multiple children. It also is full color and has automatic night vision. Not to mention it has a whole variety of lullabies you can play and a two way intercom so you can talk to your kids too. This is Kris and my favorite baby gadget because it allows us so much peace of mind while enjoying some much needed time together.

Did your relationship with your partner change a lot after baby? What do you do to keep your marriage strong?

Keep scrolling for more pictures or…


Zanders Outfit: Finn & Emma

5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess 5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Baby | Rachael Burgess

8 Responses

  1. Awe I love this blog. Such great ideas! Part of what I ❤️ loved about it is that itshows in your marriage and family relationships with your precious kiddioes. What a fun package!

  2. Oh! I would have loved a gift basket like that when I was a new mommy! Time together with the spouse gets really limited after kids. You really do have to be creative and make time for each other! #client

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