TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

Baby Burgess Number Three | When & Why

Getting pregnant for the first time was so secretive. I didn’t let anyone know we were trying. We waited 6 whole weeks before telling our parents and 12 before telling friends. Even the second time around, with Zander, we kept things on the DL. Not many people knew we were trying for almost two years.

Now I look back and wonder why I was afraid to talk about TTC (trying to conceive) and early pregnancy. The answer for me was clearly just because I was trying to do the ‘right’ thing. After the first trimester is the ‘right time’ to announce your pregnancy, and people generally aren’t open about TTC. It helps avoid awkward conversations and questions if you have a miscarriage. But I LOVE TO TALK. It may not be what works for everyone, but I love sharing what is going on in my life. If I were to have a miscarriage, I’d discuss that on my blog, and with close friends and family. I need support, but it is hard to get that if no one knows what I’m going through. So this time around I am going to be much more of an open book.

TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

And when I say this time around, yes, that is an announcement. We are officially TTC baby Burgess number three! I swore to myself I would never get pregnant again after Zander. I may have even pushed Kris to get a vasectomy… before you judge me you should know, I was SO sick! The pregnancy, birth and recovery with Zander were all pretty traumatic. Even the TTC part was stressful, since it took so long. People think you forget how hard it is, and thats why you get pregnant again, but that isn’t true. I remember every single painful detail. The reason I want to do it again is because it is so worth it. And also because now I know how strong I am. I’m not afraid of hard work and sacrifice, especially when the results are so priceless. I know I can do it again.

TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

It sounds cliché, but it is literally impossible to describe what Zoey and Zander mean to me. I am going to discuss this more later on when I finally get around to sharing about my American Idol experience. But even my passion for music and love of blogging pales in comparison to the high I feel when I look at my babies and think, “I created you!” I made two people with my own body! And no matter how common place it is for people to make babies, and how often you see pregnancy announcements in your Facebook feed, for me it is miraculous. I look at Zander’s face in complete awe, and know there is nothing I would rather dedicate my life to than creating a whole army of baby Burgess’s.

TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

It took me a year after Zander was born to feel ready for trying to conceive again. First I had to get in a routine with two kids and make it through postpartum depression (another topic I may discuss soon if you guys are interested in hearing). But now that I am ready, I am totally ready. I kind of just want to get it over with since I get soooo sick. I don’t want it to take two years this time! So I am going to plan a little better this time. Last time our fertility method was ‘don’t use contraception and it will happen eventually.’ This time we are taking a much more proactive and effective approach.

I’m using the Clearblue® Connected Ovulation Test System, and app. It is the only ovulation testing kit that tests for two hormones indicating ovulation. The Clearblue® Connected Ovulation Test System is over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge. Compared to free fertility tracking apps (which a recent published study found that only 9% of free apps accurately predict the best days for conception1), this is quite significant!! The Clearblue® App can give you clarity and direction when you are trying to conceive naturally.

TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

The Clearblue® Connected Ovulation Test System and app for couples who are trying to conceive is simple to use. Enter the date of your last menstrual cycle into the app and it will notify you when it is time to take the first fertility test. The app will tell you which days to test based on your average cycle length. Each day you test it will tell you what your fertility level is – low, high or peak. Once your peak fertility is detected the results will remain on the test for the next 48 hours. This is the best time for TTC. There will be no need to test anymore during that current cycle.

TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

Using the Clearblue® Connected Ovulation Test System and app is a convenient, efficient and organized way to track fertility. It makes TTC a little easier for busy families like ours! Having a baby is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make, yet planning a pregnancy into your schedule can feel impossible. Clearblue® Connected Ovulation Test System makes planning a little easier and gives you one less thing to worry about during this exciting – yet sometimes stressful and overwhelming – time.

The Clearblue® Connected Ovulation Test System increases your chances of getting pregnant when compared to not tracking your fertility, so I am hoping that it will happen a lot faster for us this time around trying to conceive. I will let you guys know when I know! Hopefully it’s sooner than later…

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1 Setton et al. Obstet Gynecol (2016) 128: 58–63

TTC TipsTTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to ConceiveTTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive TTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to ConceiveTTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to ConceiveTTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to ConceiveTTC Tips | 99% Accurate Fertility Tracking Couples Trying to Conceive

3 Responses

  1. I have good helpful news to share with you all, I am 39 years old. my husband and I are hoping to have a child and are actively trying with no luck. My significant other and I have been together 8 years and have been really trying for some time. I saw a person who left a review on a website about Mother Oshun herbal medicine that utilized permanent treatment had similar conditions hormonally (little to completely depleted adrenal glands and progesterone and thyroid issues among other) seeing the medicine were able to help her brought me such hope I had to try and reach out. which is the best decision I made to solve this problem. Now I am a proud mother of a baby boy. Don’t be feel you are alone in this fertility journey. This herbal professional is available to everyone who wants a baby of his or her own. Email is

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