to breastfeed or not to breastfeed

To Breastfeed or Not to Breastfeed?

Today I wanted to open up and share a question with you all that I have really been struggling with this pregnancy:

To breastfeed, or not to breastfeed?

I have felt a lot of guilt surrounding this question. Breastfeeding is hard for me. But I feel like I should breastfeed. After lots of thought, research and talking with friends and family over the last few months I have gained more clarity and let go of guilt. Right now I am 95% sure I will pump exclusively and bottle feed. I always preferred pumping with Zander and I think it will work well for me. The other 5% is waiting for the baby to be born before making the final decision. Whether you decide to breastfeed or not is such a personal decision, but today I wanted to share some of the pro’s and con’s of breastfeeding from my experience.

pros and cons of breastfeeding

Whether you breastfeed or not, your body will still go through lots of changes associated with breastfeeding. There is no avoiding the discomfort of growing breasts, or the pain of engorgement when your milk comes in. Belly Bandit has been there for me throughout these changes this pregnancy with the Anti Bra. I love the scalloped edges, and the fact that it is designed with wire free support. It is seamless and so comfortable. Whether I decide to breastfeed, or pump, I will definitely be putting this nursing tank to use in the coming months.

Pro’s of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is Convenient

When you are the food, you always have the food. Anywhere you go the food is ready. You don’t have to pack bottles, pumps, formula, etc. Just whip it out and you are ready to go. Wearing breastfeeding friendly clothing like this awesome nursing tank makes it even easier nurse on the go.

pros and cons of breastfeeding

Nursing Saves Money

Formula can get pricey. We are still trying to get Zander off his formula… I know he is two and it is time, but he LOVES that stuff. At $20/tub we spend about $60 a month on formula. That is twice what we spend on our phone bill! Nursing is completely free. While you do consume a few more calories when you are breastfeeding, it doesn’t compare to the amount you will spend buying formula.

Breast Milk is Super Healthy

I think breast milk is probably the healthiest thing you can offer your newborn. Your body creates a unique milk perfectly designed to sustain your baby’s life. It is full of nutrients and antibodies for your baby. But just because breastfeeding is one great option, doesn’t mean it is the only great option. Formula has come a long way and there really are incredible choices out there that will keep your baby both healthy and happy.

pros and cons of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be a Bonding Experience

Lots of moms talk about what a great bonding experience breastfeeding is. I felt this way about late night and early morning feedings. There is something really special about that time when your baby is totally relaxed in your arms you know your body is providing them everything they need to stay alive. I have some of the best memories of early morning feedings at 5am with Zander that would turn into three hours of the most peaceful sleep and cuddling. Moments like those are priceless.

Nursing Makes Night Feedings Easy

When we switched Zander to bottles, night feedings became a lot less convenient. You have to be prepared with formula and bottling supplies, it is not nearly as convenient as picking up your baby and having the food there and ready.

to breastfeed or not to breastfeed

Con’s of Breastfeeding

Nursing is Also Inconvenient

Like I said, breastfeeding is convenient. But it is also inconvenient. No one else can share the responsibility which limits your flexibility for personal outings or appointments. Always having to schedule around a nursing schedule can get old fast.

Breastfeeding can be Painful

Everything about breastfeeding was painful for me. From engorgement, to latching, the let down, and even the baby nails scratching my chest and pulling my hair, it caused a lot of discomfort.For some people this discomfort is short lived till you get into a groove. But for me it never did. The let down and actually nursing was always painful. I know what you are thinking, if it hurts you are doing it wrong! I checked that. My kids were great at latching, I have even had lactation specialists check. For some people it just hurts even if you do it right. For the first four months that pain was extreme and often left me in tears. One thing that did really help during this time was a comfortable bra, like the Anti Bra from Belly Bandit, and a convenient nursing tank.

to breastfeed or not to breastfeed

Dad & Siblings Can’t Participate

While nursing is a great way for mom and baby to bond, it doesn’t include dad or siblings at all. It isn’t any less important for dad to bond with their baby than it is for mom, and feeding is a great way to do that. There is something really special about the peaceful moments that happen when baby is totally relaxed and enjoying their milk. I love that bottle feeding allows dad and siblings to share that special experience.

Breastfeeding Limits Mobility

This was not a big deal when I only had one, but it was with baby number two. With baby number three it will be even harder. I will have a kid, toddler and a puppy to keep up with. Those three combined rarely allow me to sit for 20 minutes at a time even once a day. Being stuck to the couch 6-8 times a day for 15-30 minutes is not super practical. With Zander I often nursed on my feet – but it was hard on my back and not ideal.

pros and cons of breastfeeding

Wardrobe Options are Limited by Breastfeeding

I know this sounds selfish… But think about it, becoming a parent is one of the most selfless things you can do. You are sacrificing time, money, energy – sometimes even health.

As a mom I do very little just for me.

Being able to dress the way I want without spending a lot of money on a brand new nursing wardrobe is something important to me. I already sacrificed my body for nine months, and breastfeeding limits my wardrobe options even more than pregnancy. Luckily, there are a lot of convenient clothing options for those who do decide to breastfeed, like this cute nursing tank from Belly Bandit.

Breastfeeding Means you are Always on Nights

This one was really hard for me with Zander. When I had one baby and I wasn’t working full time, being on nights was ok. I could nap during the day when Zoey napped. I didn’t have deadlines to keep up with or a toddler to feed. With Zander, being on nights all the time meant I was exhausted beyond my limits. I was sleep deprived, trying to keep up with work, a toddler and a newborn and Kris was unable to relieve me of that responsibility even one night a week. Bottle feeding makes it easy to share the responsibility of night feedings with your partner.

to breastfeed or not to breastfeed

After lots of thought I really think I will just pump and bottle feed. Pumping diminishes a lot of the pain associated with breastfeeding for me since I don’t have to wait till baby is ready if I am engorged, I don’t have to deal with the pain of latching and sucking, or being scratched and having my hair pulled while I am having a hot flash! I have this awesome in bra hands free pump so I can even do it while I work.

Each new baby is such a unique experience that I think choosing the breast or bottle should be totally personal. There isn’t a one size fits all or a right answer for everyone. The most important thing is figuring out what works best for you and not worrying about what other people think. Whatever you decide know you have this mom blogger supporting you 100%!!

Did you breastfeed? Why or why not?

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Maternity Bra: Belly Bandit (use code RACH10 for 10% off!) | Kimono: Lauren Conrad

pros and cons of breastfeeding to breastfeed or not to breastfeed pros and cons of breastfeeding to breastfeed or not to breastfeed to breastfeed or not to breastfeed to breastfeed or not to breastfeed pros and cons of breastfeeding

4 Responses

  1. Rach, I really related to your description of the discomfort while nursing. I think having fairer skin makes your nipples more tender – at least it did for me. I didn’t ever get entirely comfortable with nursing until I had my 8th baby, altho’ I tried every time for an average of 6 months per child. I think the shortest I nursed was 3 months but then we didn’t have the quality formulas that you have now, so that left my wee one with allergies that she didn’t experience while nursing. By the time we figured that out, it was too late to go back to breastfeeding her. Finally, when we had our last little angel, I took it really slow at first with the nursing attempts, and after a week, was able to last more than a minute on each side. After that many babies, eventually I felt successful, which is likely why I nursed him for nearly 2 years. You describe a real dilemma.

    1. Thanks for understanding! I do feel really blessed that there are so many good options out there for mama’s now. I can’t imagine if I had no choice in this situation, that would be stressful!

  2. I love this post! I felt the same way when I was nursing Aimery, and will definitely only pump/bottle feed when I have my next baby! Having my partner help with feedings allowed me to feel more connected to my baby instead of resenting him for feedings every 2 hours! Every mom has to do what is best for them!

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