5 Ways To Beat Insomnia And Fall Asleep Fast by Rachael Burgess

5 Ways To Beat Insomnia And Fall Asleep Fast!

I am no stranger to sleepless nights. My insomnia is a result of an over active mind. I am always thinking and have a hard time shutting down my brain. I read this very prelimary study the other day that suggested an insomniacs brain may actually work differently than that of a person who doesn’t have trouble sleeping. They found that insomniacs brains were working faster and had more plasticity than the average person. That might sound like a good thing, but the truth is our bodies still suffer the side effects of under-sleeping. So over the many years I have dealt with this I have come up with a few strategies that help me fall asleep fast.

As long as I can remember I have struggled with insomnia. I say struggle, but in the past few years sleeping has become one of my strengths. I have used insomnia to my advantage. I sleep less and work more and I have learned to fall asleep fast when I need to. I have created the perfect sleep environment and come up with some great techniques so I can almost always fall asleep right away when I need to. And I am going to share my ways with you! Below are my top five ways to turn off my brain and fall asleep fast, in order from most effective to least.

1. Watch A Movie

Not just any movie! Watch a movie or TV show that you love, but have already seen in bed on your phone. If you watch something you have never seen before it will keep you awake. If you watch something boring you won’t pay attention and your mind will become overactive with other things. My go to right now is Gilmore Girls, I love it, but it puts me to sleep instantly

The same thing works with reading a book you love. I have read and fallen asleep to Anna Karenina (the best book ever) so many times!

2. Create A Comfortable Sleep Environment

This is SO vital. I have always been a pro with pillow choice. But I spent so long sleeping on the cheapest mattress out there. So often the reason I couldn’t fall asleep would be because ALL I could think about was that spring jabbing in my back or some other discomfort thanks to my mattress. I would get so focused on not being able to get comfortable that it would kind of make me crazy.

Since I have upgraded my mattress I have slept so much better. I lay on my bed and getting comfy is one thing I don’t have to worry about. A good mattress isn’t the only thing that matters, if I don’t have the right pillow set up it becomes a lot harder for me to fall asleep as well. Blankets, sheets, PJs, they all play a part. To fall asleep faster make sure you choose the most comfortable options available in every department. We just got this ginormous faux fur blanket from Sams Club and I love how soft and cozy it makes our bed. The more comfortable you can make your sleep space, the better.

3. Make Lists

If your insomnia is a result of an overactive brain you may not be able to fall asleep because you are too focused on your to do list. As soon as I lay down to sleep I think of a million things to do. Something that really helps me here is making a list each day. I make a list of everything I want to do that day and check it off as I go along. Even if I don’t accomplish everything on my list, I lay down feeling satisfied that I had a productive day. This allows me to relax, it diminishes my hyperactive thoughts significantly and I sleep much better.

4. Sleep Somewhere Else

This one is as simple as it sounds. If you can’t fall asleep and its been hours get up and move somewhere else. This is my last resort because I usually wake up sore after I do this. I have no idea why it works, but I often fall asleep in minutes after hopping in the guest bed or even laying on the couch. Even if I have been tossing and turning for hours this seems to help.

5. Dim The Lights, Drink A Cup Of Tea, Take A Hot Shower

Prep yourself for a relaxing evening. Half hour before bed dim the lights, this helps your body create melatonin. Drink a hot cup of tea or take a hot shower. Don’t exercise, just do relaxing activities that help your body wind down. This is the last thing on my list simply because I often don’t have time for it. I think if I could make wind down time part of my daily routine it would be super effective in fighting insomnia.

I have realized over the years that I can actually function quite well on less sleep than other people. But being an insomniac + having a full time job + nursing a newborn + keeping up with a toddler = one very exhausted me. Adjusting to a newborn was a transition, but using the combination of the five tips above has helped me get as much sleep as I need 99% of the time, even with kids and my busy schedule. I don’t even think about my insomnia very often anymore because I have learned to cope with it so well!

When I am well rested I am a happier person, a better mom, I am more productive with my work and I generally just enjoy life more.

Have you ever struggled with insomnia or are you like my husband, with almost narcoleptic sleep abilities? Is there anything you have that you cannot sleep without or do you have any great sleep tips for insomniacs? Leave them in the comments!

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