Baby Moon Essentials by Rachael Burgess

3 Baby Moon Essentials

As many of you know Kris, Zoey and I were lucky enough to travel to Hawaii last month for a baby moon vacation. Before we left things kind of felt ‘stuck in a rut’ as far as daily life, work, motherhood and marriage. School had been busy and taxing for almost a year straight (short break for Christmas!!). We were tired of our home and ready to move to a new place and meet new people. I had been sick in bed for months and was just barely getting back on my feet. We just needed a break, especially before the baby came and life became even more demanding. I cannot understate the value of that time we had.

Taking a break from work gave me the motivation I needed to go full speed ahead when we got home. Zoey got so much time with both Kris and I together. She totally thrives on having mommy and daddy at the same time. It was SO good for Kris and I to have time to reconnect and really focus on us, without the demands of daily life. I would say a baby moon is a must have for every pregnancy from now on.

Baby Moon Essentials by Rachael Burgess

So today I thought I would share with you my three baby moon essentials. There are actually four – the first and most important thing being TIME. Time together and time to make memories. There are three other things that our trip wouldn’t have been complete without. So here they are!

1. Relaxing Location

Choosing the right location is the first thing on my list of baby moon essentials. There is no point in going on a baby moon somewhere that you won’t enjoy, I think that goes without saying. You do have to be more thoughtful about the location you choose when you are pregnant though. Keep in mind the things you won’t be able to do, for example many amusement park rides aren’t safe for pregnancy. An amusement park probably would be a no-go for a baby moon. The point of a baby moon is to try and get some relaxing you-time and quality time with your partner. Soon your world will be revolving around an adorably demanding little person. Choose somewhere you will be able to relax. I think the beach is the perfect place to unwind, but also love the idea of a mountain retreat or cabin on a lake.

Baby Moon Essentials by Rachael Burgess

2. Comfortable Clothing

Comfortable clothing is another of my baby moon essentials. It is impossible to forget all the cute outfits that still fit you… Or your bathing suit for the beach. Lower on the list might be a couple pairs of sweatpants for the plane ride, a really comfortable bra in case your boobs decide to become sore all of a sudden and a couple loose fitting tee’s. You will not regret packing these essentials.

3. A Good Parenting Prep Book

The nesting urge is SO real and you never know when it will hit. I will be exhausted and then I will have a really bad contraction and suddenly I kick into crazy nesting gear. Cleaning the entire house from top to bottom, packing and repacking my hospital bag suddenly become things I NEED to do, rather than chores. On vacation you aren’t going to be able to design your nursery, organize diapers, prep freezer meals, etc. I found it really helpful to have What to Expect When You’re Expecting on hand to read during my vacation when I had moments like this.

There is now a brand new 5th edition of What To Expect When You’re Expecting that brings in a lot of information for dads. It is packed with totally updated information on everything you could possibly need to know about getting ready for a baby. It even includes updated medical info about the Zika Virus! Reading is the perfect activity for the beach. I was really glad I packed this book since it seems to cover every baby-related topic under the sun. There are so many parenting books out there, but this one is a classic for a reason. You’d be hard pressed to find anything else so comprehensive. You can pick up your copy anywhere books are sold.

What to Expect When You Are Expecting by Rachael Burgess

We didn’t have a baby moon when I was pregnant with Zoey because we were both working. I was so happy Kris had a vacation from school so we could get that time together before becoming a family of four. It was much needed and SO enjoyed… There really isn’t anything else I felt was essential to our trip. Those are the three things I couldn’t live without.

Did you go on a baby moon?? If so where did you go? What was essential for your trip? I would love to hear all about other mama’s pre-baby vacays!

Baby Moon Essentials by Rachael BurgessWhat to Expect When You Are Expecting by Rachael BurgessBaby Moon Essentials by Rachael BurgessWhat to Expect When You Are Expecting by Rachael Burgess

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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