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How to prepare for a move

Moving can be stressful!

There are so many things to do to prepare for a big move! The next slides have a few things to help you prepare....

Make the place you are moving feel homey

If you get to choose your dream place to live- Lucky you! If not, there are things you can do to make anyplace feel like home:  1) join groups to try and make friends  2) find activities to do in your new area 3) move into an area with people at the same stage of life as you


Get ready to leave your current location

If you are eager to see your current location go, this step is easy. However, if you love your home now, there are a few things you can do to say goodbye:  1) throw a going away party with all your friends  2) Go out to eat at all your favorite restaurants one more time


Make your kids excited at the new location

Sometimes kids are not excited to move because they will miss their friends. To combat this, show your kids pictures of the area, the parks, the new school they will be attending and show them the new house! If your kids are excited about a new change, that will make the move much easier!


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Any guesses where we are moving?

to find out where we are moving...