Blowout diapers diaper rash

How to Deal with Diaper Blowouts & Get Rid of Diaper Rash FAST

This post is sponsored by Triple Paste®; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Thank you readers for supporting the brands that make my blog possible! 

You can’t make this stuff up. As I sat down to write this post at 8:30AM, before the kids were out of bed, my 4yr old daughter ran into my room with some horrible news. “Mommy!!!” she yelled, “Zander’s poop exploded out of his diaper and it is all over his crib!!” The theme of this post is diaper blowouts and how to deal with them, so the announcement could not have come at a more appropriate time. I paused my writing, put all my tips I will share below to good use, and then came back to writing with my kids cuddling on either side of me.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

Baby blowout blues! If you are a parent, chances are you have dealt with them. Blowout blues come in the moment that unforgiving scent slaps you in the face and you realize there is no way that all the mess below is contained inside the diaper. Or when you see the poop leak creeping up your baby’s backside through their clothes… Or when your 4 yr old announces there is poop all over the crib. Parenting isn’t always pretty, and blowouts are probably one of the least picturesque moments when it comes to being a mom.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

The worst part about diaper blowouts is they often leave your baby with a painful rash! A rash can make your child irritable, uncomfortable and restless. When it comes to blowouts and diaper rash I have tried every parenting hack out there. Today, I want to share everything I have learned about dealing with diaper blowouts and diaper rashes in the past five years of parenting with you. Hopefully it will help you be more prepared when that daunting task stares you in the face.

Dealing with Diaper Blowouts & Diaper Rash

What five years of parenting has taught me about how to avoid diaper blowouts and diaper rash.

Avoiding Diaper Blowouts

The first step to avoiding diaper rash and making blowouts easier to deal with is avoiding the blowout diapers all together. Here is how.

1. Make sure your child is wearing the right size diaper.

If you are experiencing blowouts every morning chances are high your baby’s diaper is too small. I always know when it is time to size up in diapers when Zander has more than three morning blowouts in a row.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

2. Make sure the waistband is positioned properly.

The back waistband on a diaper can often be folded over accidentally or placed too low. When you put on your baby’s diaper make sure you position the waistband a little higher up in the back and make sure it is laying flat and not folded or wrinkled.

3. Avoid loose fitting clothes for naps and bedtimes.

Diapers tend to sag the more full they get. If you put your child to bed in a nightie or a dress, or even a loose fitting sleeper, make sure they have a onesie on underneath. A onesie will help hold the diaper in place and lessen the chance of leaks.

Dealing with Diaper Blowouts

Even the most prepared and vigilant parents will deal with a blowout now and then – when that happens, here is what to do!

1. Have everything you need on hand.

If you are out and about make sure your diaper bag is packed with a plastic bag to put dirty clothes in, one for the dirty diaper as well, a clean outfit, and a barrier cream, like Triple Paste Ointment, to help avoid a diaper rash before it comes.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

2. Change the diaper in a bathroom if possible.

Changing tables are fine for normal diaper changes, but when it comes to a blowout, it is better to take it to the bathroom! That way, there is no chance of getting poop places you won’t be able to clean it up. It also gives you easy bath access!

3. Give your baby a bath!

This isn’t always possible, but if you can, give your baby a bath after a major blowout. With diaper blowouts you can end up using 15+ wet wipes, which is not only wasteful, it also isn’t very effective. Rather than cleaning, the bacteria is rubbed around, making diaper rashes imminent. My method is to use just a few wet wipes and then rinse the rest in the tub.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

Avoiding Diaper Rash

The best way to get rid of a diaper rash is to avoid it in the first place! Here are some tips for doing that.

1. Clean with water after a major blowout.

After a major blowout diaper rinse your baby’s bum with water in a bath, or even just a quick rinse in the sink, if that is all you have time for. This helps remove extra bacteria and can prevent a diaper rash before it comes.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

2. Air dry baby’s bum after a blowout.

Use a washcloth to dab dry after the rinse, and then use the clean diaper as a fan to air dry your baby’s bum. Do this before putting on the fresh diaper. A dry bum is less likely to breed bacteria and, therefore, less likely to get a bad rash.

3. Use a barrier cream or ointment at the slightest sign of a rash.

If you notice any redness or irritation, apply a barrier cream after you finish drying your baby off. This further prevents moisture accumulation and bacteria growth. I use Triple Paste diaper rash ointment as a barrier cream. It is gentle and safe for everyday use, yet highly effective in treating and preventing diaper rash. I buy it at Target, but you can also get it at Walmart and other major retailers.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

Getting Rid of Diaper Rash

The steps to getting rid of a diaper rash are pretty similar to avoiding one in the first place.

1. Give a water rinse after EVERY change.

If your baby does develop a rash you will need to rinse their sore bottom with water after every change, not just after blowouts. Wet wipes can be really painful on a bum rash, and they don’t do much to get rid of bacteria. Rinsing with lukewarm water not only soothes a sore rash, it also gets rid of bacteria more effectively.

Blowout diapers diaper rash

2. Air dry baby’s bum after every change.

If you want to get rid of diaper rash as fast as possible air drying in between changes is vital! You can either leave them diaper free for a little bit after each change, or gently dab dry with a clean washcloth and use a fresh diaper to fan dry.

3. Use a diaper rash cream after every change.

Use a diaper rash cream like Triple Paste ointment all over, after every change, especially in red and irritated areas. I love Triple Paste because it is effective in treating stubborn rashes. It also seems to work faster than other methods I have tried. When nothing else works Triple Paste is always there to save the day!

Have you ever had to deal with a major diaper blowout?! How did you react? Share your best stories in the comments!

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