Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over

Playing on the Frozen Lake

If you live near Lake Erie you have probably heard how dangerous the ice can be in the winter. The waves push it up on shore in giant sheets. It can be easy to get caught underneath if you are walking on it and slip in. Just a few hours from us in Ohio this year they had what people are calling an ‘ice tsunami’. There are over 30ft piles of ice pushed up onto the beach!

Luckily here in Erie the Presque Isle peninsula creates a calm and protected bay, allowing us to walk on the ice safely. Last year it never got cold enough for us to feel confident walking out on the ice. This winter has been a lot more harsh. Although it has been chilly and I could do with a sunny day in Tampa right about now, the cold weather does have its beautiful bonuses. One of those is being able to walk on the ice in the bay.

Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over

We took our little family out to the frozen Lake Erie a couple times last week when it was sunny and warm. Even Rosie-Cake-Love loved walking over the beautiful frozen lake! It was absolutely breathtaking and I have been secretly hoping for a few more opportunities to enjoy a walk on the icy water before the winter is over.

Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over

While we were out walking on the frozen Lake Erie we got SO many people commenting on and pointing at Rosie-Cake. I already think she is adorable, but it was still fun to hear other people react to our tiny ball of fur. People kept commenting on how CUTE she is. A couple people stopped us to ask how much she weighs since she is so miniature. For those wanting an update on that, she is now almost 3lbs! She has already done most of her growing, but won’t be full size till 6-12  months.

Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over

I shared an Instagram post about this, but I think it is worth repeating here. There is something so beautiful and sweet about walking with my family outside in Nature. My handsome husband, two beautiful children, the most adorable puppy ever, all make me so happy. I really don’t think I deserve so much happiness in life. I’m not sure how I ended up so lucky. When we get outside and connect with each other and with the beautiful outdoors it really reminds me of that. I always tell Kris, if our lives stayed just like this forever, I’d be more than happy. I have everything I need…

Having said that, I am hoping to see a little more sunshine at some point in my life! We are planning a trip right now just to make that happen. More on that note VERY soon!

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My Coat: Old Navy | Boots: Crocs | Zoey’s Coat: Peekaboo Beans | Zoey’s Boots: Hunters | Zander’s Jeans: 7 For All Mankind | Zander’s Boots: Hunters

Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over Lake Erie Completely Frozen OverLake Erie Completely Frozen Over Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over Lake Erie Completely Frozen Over Lake Erie Completely Frozen OverLake Erie Completely Frozen Over

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